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Samantha Gilhooly - Graphics Whiteboard.png
by Samantha Gilhooly (Small Caps).png
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My name is samantha.png

Welcome to Safe Haven Sanctuary!
Thank you so much for being here.

I am a Couples/Individuals Therapist & Trauma Healing Expert. I help individuals  and couples build loving, thriving relationships with themselves and others. I do this by incorporating various approaches such as:

  • Somatic Healing Practices

  • Inner Child Healings

  • Energy Healing 

  • Chakra System Work

  • Rewiring Neural Pathways & Recreating New, Healthy and Helpful Beliefs

  • Hypnotherapy Practices

  • Potent Healing Meditations/Visualizations & Quantum Leaps

  • Sacred Healing Spiritual Practices & Rituals

  • Sacred Journaling Ceremonies

  • Self-Concept Work

  • Yoga 

  • Dance Embodiment Therapy (my passion and expertise!)

  • Customized Affirmation Building

  • Ayurvedic Practices

  • Cycle Breaking & Building New Healthy Cycles

  • Listening/guiding with non-judgement and compassion 

​& so much more !


Check out my Instagram for content on relationships, self-worth and more! 

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About Me
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Healing Stones
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I have helped to guide and transform the lives of many women and men for over the last 10 years working in the Social Services field. I specialize working with individuals who are survivors of trauma. Due to my well-versed experience in the Social Work field, I love infusing my Clinical Therapy and Spiritual Teachings, as I believe they go hand in hand to receive optimal recovery results It is my passion to guide individuals to connect their mind, body, heart and soul throughout their own unique life journeys. Taking a multi-dimensional  and holistic approach to healing is my expertise, as there are so many intricate layers to trauma, relationships, and just life itself! There is no one size fits all to healing. Your pathway back home to yourself is so personalized and unique. The only way you can experience your fullest potential is by connecting to your intuition and returning home to your soul's essence.

Trust me when I say that I know this journey is challenging. I too am a survivor of abuse and sexual violence. Because I know what it is like and have worked through so much of my own trauma, I have so many helpful tools to teach you so that you too can learn how to heal yourself. I have worked with some of the most amazing professionals and healers, continue to pursue my self-development/healing and grow my relationship with myself. Through my own experiences, I have been and continue to be an exceptional leader in my field.  I am here to teach you how to be just as exceptional in leading and healing in your own journey. Because REMEMBER, YOU ARE YOUR OWN HEALER!

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Marble Surface
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I have been brought to this Earth to teach people how to feel better about themselves so that they can experience life in the most beautiful way. I genuinely in my heart want to guide people to heal from their traumas so that they can see how completely worth it is on the other side.

I do this work because I myself know what it feels like to be in the most darkest place feeling so lost in hope and despair. I want to show people that we do not have to stay there. That life can be beautiful if we open our hearts up to feeling and healing.

I have all the tools, resources, pure intentions and so much more to share. If I was able to change my life around, so can you, I promise.

Given that this work is my passion and purpose, rest assured that you will be in the most loving hands.

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Marble Surface
Why Do I Do The Work That I Do
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My vision is for more people in the world to recognize and embody their self-worth despite their past experiences. I see future generations living happy, healthy, abundant and prosperous!

Image by Pawel Czerwinski
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My mission is to help individuals overcome life challenges, embody their self-worth, confidence and thrive in healthy relationships with both themselves and others. By doing so, they will be creating and defining a life of their own that is in alignment with their own unique values and their unique soul print.

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My Vision & Mission
What You Will Gain From Working With Me
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What you will gain from working with me.png
  • A deeper connection to authentic self and others

  • Healthy & secure attachment/communication styles


  • Become more connected to your intuition & body

  • Become an expert at processing emotions (such as grief, anger, sadness etc.) & transmute them into your biggest POWER

  • Learn how to heal and unblock your own chakras

  • Learn different clinical strategies and spiritual tools on how to improve and create THRIVING RELATIONSHIPS (with self & others)

  • Learn how to reprogram your subconscious mind and reframe limiting beliefs -- resulting in life transformational changes in your external world!

  • Cultivate more positive inner dialogue, self-talk & self-concept

  • You will dismantle your core insecurities and build a stable foundation of inner-trust & inner confidence

  • You will learn unique skill sets that are transferrable to ALL areas of your life

  • Become an expert at boundary setting 

  • Your commitment to yourself will be unwavering as you learn to embody integrity!

  • You will attract new and healthy relationships that feel safe and loving!

  • You WILL transform into the individual you are striving to become (Secret: You already are that person!)

  • You will be learning how to live in true alignment with your heart and soul

  • You will receive the utmost love and care from me as your guide!

You already have all these gifts within you, you are already the version of yourself that you are striving to be…you are already everything you are meant to be in your soul.


Let me walk by your side back home

to your Soul.

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Image by Pawel Czerwinski
My Story
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My Story.png

Throughout my life, I have experienced varying forms of abuse, co-dependency, manipulation and other forms of maltreatment. Coming into my early adulthood, as I started to form my own relationship with myself and with others, I noticed that I did not feel safe to be myself. I did not feel safe in my body. I never felt safe to use my voice in fear of being minimized and rejected. I always felt judged, because I was so different from everyone else. I felt emotions so much more deeply than others, it made me think that something was wrong with me. I would sacrifice what I knew in my heart to be true for me, just to be loved and accepted by others. I did this for a very long time. It was a survival coping mechanism I knew very well, and it worked! Until it didn’t…

That voice within me that kept trying to speak up, that kept encouraging me to be myself and use my own unique voice started to get louder and angrier. The amount of self-betrayal I put myself through started to show up in my body. I was constantly sick both physically and mentally. All of my relationships around me were a HOT MESS! Including the relationship with myself! Everything just felt like CHAOS!

Thankfully, I had an amazing therapist who has been a part of my life for almost 10 years and amazing Life Coaches/ Healers who truly helped me to embody everything I am today. My healing journey has multiple layers from clinical therapy to deep inner child and shadow work to participating in beautiful plant medicine ceremonies & more! I quickly realized there is no one pathway to healing. The person I thank the most though, is me and the Divine Higher Power. I got myself through this life long journey of suffering. I showed up for myself and I did the inner work. I still continue to do the work as we speak because I thrive on personal growth and living each day with more empowerment and a deep sense of passion!

And to be honest, there are still things that happen to me up until today that shake my world. But now, I am in a healthier headspace to navigate through it all from a more grounded place. I have extensive experience working with my own trauma and the ones of others as well, which has gifted me with knowledge and wisdom. I got to re-write my story. I turned my pain into passion & wisdom! I chose me!

Guess what? So can you. Your pain and suffering is so real and I see you. But this pain does not have to be the end of your story, You DO NOT have to live in this suffering. If you truly want to change your life, YOU CAN! It is 100% possible!

Sometimes we just need the right guidance, support and love that we have never experienced before. We get so used to being belittled, and brainwashed into thinking that our negative thoughts about ourselves are actually true! When in reality, all of our souls are beautiful and evolving if you permit it to do so. Will you give yourself permission to be loved by yourself on a deeper level? Will you give yourself permission to face the darkness so that you may enter your own world of light? Will you give yourself permission to change your whole perspective of who you truly are in your heart? Will you allow yourself to create the life you have dreamed of? One that is LOVING, KIND, SAFE, PEACEFUL, FORGIVING, FUN, ABUNDANT and so much more! I want this for you because I believe every human on this Earth deserves all of this. Including YOU!

I want to be your guide, your support and the love you need to get through this journey.

Let’s re-write your journey together!

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Samantha is honestly an angel sent to help heal this planet.  Her energy is so warm, comforting, safe, and loving.  Every time I work with her I can feel her loving energy from across the world.  She always strives for transparency, and with that, she creates such beautiful rapport with anyone she communicates with.  Her wide knowledge and wisdom of many different energy healing modalities allow your time with her to be completely unique and tailored to your needs.  She is an exceptional healer and truly holds that safe space for you as you explore yourself, your wounds, and ultimately, the journey to transforming your life.  I highly recommend Samantha and her amazing work.



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